The Latest up-to-date News and Informative Editorials !

Friday, September 29, 2000



It is time to celebrate !

The Landscape Ordinances Passed !

The proposed ordinances that we set out to support, the proposed ordinances that inspired this website, were voted on and passed by the Little Rock City Board of Directors on September 26,2000. Little Rock will be greener for this action!

Some of the things that were a gain for Little Rock are:



The successful gains in these new laws are directly related to the contributions and time that so many people contributed. We thank you for your letters, phone calls, e-mails and encouragement. We thank all those who attended a planning commission meeting or a Board of Directors meeting.You sure put in the time.

Hats off to a wonderful Group of supporters!

You helped make a difference for a better quality of life in Little Rock !




Due to the nature of politics, the ordinances passed were greatly watered down from the original ones. They lack the ability to require a solid minimum contribution to the healthy urban forest of Little Rock by the development community. It has become clear that a long-term effort must be made to secure the future of Little Rock’s Urban Forest. Therefore; we are proud to announce the formation of the Little Rock Tree Foundation.

There will be more information in the days to follow. Please look for information about our new website to be announced soon.

Thank you for your interest and support!



E-MAIL US with your thoughts.

Contact the Citizens FOR the Land Alteration Ordinances via E-mail:


Thank you for your input.

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